Life's Sweet Journey

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Got Quirks?!

You wanted the inside scoop on some of my "crazy" right?! Sure you did.  Hope you enjoy these random get to know me quirks.
  • Movie night is a fave!  Probably my top date night choice. I love movie night at home, feet curled under on the couch.  Popcorn is always a must (it is my favorite food).  We have a whole movie night regiment process.  Popcorn is cooked via stove in the Whirley Pop (it is the best present I think I may have gotten from Babe, it has definitely gotten its use) and he is the popper, I am the salter, and he is the 'salt-to-popcorn-ratio-checker'! I always start with the popcorn dance! That's how I make my way into the kitchen on such nights.  It often leaves me winded (again probably should run to strengthen that lung capacity but, nah!!)  I will just stick using the popcorn dance (the taco dance helps some too, I have a dance for taco night also.  It's just like the popcorn dance but instead of singing "po'corn, po'corn, po'corn" I sing "tacos, tacos, tacos".  A little too much info? Sorry, just thought I would paint you a pretty picture)
  • I have somewhat of an old soul but I am also a humongous kid at heart.  Disney World is truly one of my favorite places in the entire world. Got engaged there, been there probably hundreds upon thousands of times and yet it never gets old! There is so much magic there! Even with the lines, the sunburned tourists, and tired babies it leaves me with a feeling of innocence and wonder. 

  • I love road trips! Traveling excites me! International travel freaks me the heck out! I don't know why.  I think it goes along with my fear of the unexpected and unknown.  After going to Greece on our honeymoon I decided I probably wouldn't be making many trips abroad in my lifetime (even though it was a gorgeous trip).  I have since ratified that decision but I am still terrified.  Before boarding a recent flight to Costa Rica I had a "minor" freak attack and I don't have those often.  I mean unstoppable tears mixed with uncontrollable bouts of laughter, it was one strange moment.  I've got to get that business under control!
  • I often contradict myself.  This will be one of those times.  I LOVE to cruise! It is always international.  For some reason traveling internationally on a big ole' boat doesn't terrify me; it thrills me.  This may be due to the fact that I pretty much think I know what to expect from cruising (though I probably shouldn't because, good gracious, have you seen what is happening on some of those ships recently?!).  I know where I will be sleeping each night.  I know that I will most likely see the same friendly serving staff at dinner and that sometimes they will break out into random dancing (love it).  I know that if I have a scary, anxiety ridden experience in a specific port I can haul my behind back to the boat where I can find a lone spot on deck while everyone else is out exploring and read to my hearts content while basking in sunshiny glory and sipping a pretty drink! I know that each night I can find a towel friend waiting happily for my arrival, just waiting for me to name him (for some reason they always seem to be dudes). 
    Meet some of my said towel dudes.  Their names are Syd, Ernie, Cardito, and Sal respectively.  Each picture taken
    with said towel friend requires imitation; it's a must.  
    Short version of the last however many sentences = take me cruising now please!

  • I have recently been suffering from random bouts of insomnia.  My eyes have been seeing 3 am and then 4 am roll around on my clock far too often.  I like to be asleep by 11! So either this new drive of motivation and passion pursuit is keeping my brain spinning all night or the following find is true.  

If the above is the case then I am not real sure whose dream it is that I am awake in, but can you please find another one?! No fairytale here I can assure you!  If you are some long-lost girlfriend pinning after Babe, well sorry he's taken.  Though I never mind a little healthy competition, it takes a good bit to turn his head (God love him).  And if you are pinning after me...  Hello?! Did you read the what not to expects?! I do not make superb housewife status.  So, now that we have determined this is probably not your dream can you please send a note directly to my brain to let it know that at night, when the lights are off, it is time "shush up"!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Great Expectations- Part II: The Actuals

Words- I love words! And I will share them with you.  Many of these words may not belong to me.  I have these "journally" things; their actual proper names when you buy them in the store are journals, I call them quote books. The second is almost finished and the third is itching to be written it.  Well, they are filled with quotes from books (and some movies) that really jump out at or speak to me in some way.  I got the idea from ‘A Walk to Remember’.  I love them! The help bring my peace (though sometimes they also raise all kinds of questions).  So expect for me to share some of them with you; others words and my thoughts on them. 

Books- Expect to hear about my love affair with them! It’s a pretty big one.  I must have one ready to be read at all times! I also reread books that I love… just kinda have too.  Harry Potters? Read them all four times.  Read the first three probably at least 7.  You may not have read them repeatedly but I am assuming if you have read them at all you understand why.  If you hadn’t read them (or even more so if you have and still don’t understand this), then well, I may not understand you! Sorry it’s just the truth and trust me when I tell you that I never thought I would love them either.  Used to laugh when people told me I should read them.  Now I laugh at myself for my own stupidity.  Ok, I will stop. I could go on! I probably will (actually I can promise I will) later at some point, but he needs more space then just these last few lines.  Oh, I am also learning to embrace my closet nerd! So you can expect some of that if you haven’t seen it already.
Life- Mine that is; and sometimes I can barely get this one figured out so I probably wouldn’t be much help on yours.  I’ve learned some stuff though and am still learning all the time.  I hope you enjoy my journey! 

Oh, one more do not expect! It just popped into my head.  Random, I know (I promised that remember).  I will get this blogging flow and balance thing down soon hopefully (in the meantime I apologize). 

Outstanding fashion or makeup advice- My clothes? They mostly all come from a girlfriend’s mom! Her mama be stylin’ and I am lucky because she doesn’t wear out her outfits like I do.  I’ve got some high school stuff still in my closet (and that be a L-O-N-G time ago).  They keep trying to help me out.  Apparently, I finally accept a fashion and try to get with the picture right as it’s going out of style.   Remember, I don’t like change (and I like to be comfy).  I be stuck in my ways and the warming up process takes me way too long.  And make-up? Well, I can do it! However, it’s not very good and half the time I half-behind it.  See, I think make-up is a waste of money (and I don’t even buy the expensive stuff) so if I know I wont be seeing anyone I just put on enough to cover any witch warts and I go along my merry way.  Can’t be wasting that stuff on just any old day!   I know I am good to go when I meet up with a friend and she says “oooo girl I like your makeup”.  You know that’s when I’ve decided to use a little mascara and maybe some blush because girlfriends just not used to seeing all that on this face.  *If you would like to help me with any of this ‘I’m all ears’ (or body I suppose) as I would really like some kind of fashion sense.  I think my new hair deserves it!
See?! The new hair likes makeup! This special occasion took place due to a surprise weekend a la Babe.
 The dress? Didn't originally belong to me, it came shipped in a little happy package from a favorite person
of mine who was cleaning out her closet and thought of me. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Great Expectations- Part I: The Lack Thereof

So being one who does not like change I typically like to have a clear set of expectations laid out in front of me.  It’s the whole not knowing what to expect that usually makes my heart speed up and the palms get sweaty.  So I thought I would lovingly share some “what you can expects” for this here piece of the blogging world...  Unfortunately this may be one of the times where I can’t give you many.  I can promise you randomness (and promise is big word for me so you can count on that) even if it may not give you much insight. 

I can absolutely give you some things not to expect from me! I tried with the what to expects first but it was just a jumbled mess, so on that note…

Organizational advice- I have none for you.  Can you share some with me?  Seriously! I can not even attach my Pinterest account here yet because is a totally unorganized mess of all that my mind decides it may one day want to revisit.  I will work on that and get it on here for ya!

Household tips- Ummmm? If only you could see the beauty that is my dining table! Friend, you will not want any from me.  Now if you would like advice on how to clean without needing to tidy first, I am your girl (note: lift, wipe, place back down).  I do not like a dirty house but I grew up in “organized clutter” as some may call it and well that wonderful trait of my mothers found its way to my house. Joy! 

This little spot is about as organized as I get
(which should say something) and that is only because it is home to the books that I deem worthy of living room shelf display. The big basket at the bottom? That would be the catch all for any and all library books (at times I of which I may have upwards of 10) or books whose shelf worthiness is still undecided!  Looking closely I even spy books that need to be removed.  Babe tends to stick books on the shelves (he is a tidy and organized soul and likes things in their place) without consulting their proper placement status.

Loads of recipes- I like to cook… on occasion.  I like to try new recipes… sometimes.  I was a lot better at this when Babe (intro on him soon) and I were first living together.  Since then it has gone downhill.  It’s just tedious.  So if I share any at all expect quick and painless "here cut this, heat this" fun! For example, butternut squash was introduced to me by a wonderful friend of mine and has become a new side obsession.  Though it can be hard to cut, you simply peel in, cut it in lil slices, drench it in olive oil, season as you like and bake at 400 degrees for thirty minutes, flipping once.  Voila! Yum!

Exercise regiments-  The above pretty much sums it up.  I don’t run.  Despise it!  Probably should partake in it because this body needs a better lung capacity, but I can without a doubt say I will never be a workout junkie or run win any races.  However, I do quite love competition; be it board games or sports, but those sports tend to include tennis, volleyball, and cornhole… notice the trend? Very little running! Played tennis for years, always preferred doubles… even less running.  There is one exception I will make. And that is for football.  Got the urge to see these feet run? Well then, put me on a football field.  

There are probably a ton of other things that I could tell you not to expect from this blog.  However, the majority of them go along these lines.  If you love or look for these things then this may not be your cup of tea.  I will try a little harder to give you some of what you actually will see and post that next and then you can decide if you would like to stay for a sip!