Life's Sweet Journey

Monday, January 6, 2020

January Currently

Happy 2020, January (and November & December), New Decade and All The Things!
I have been quiet around here and when I came to start this post I realized my last one was in October; it's crazy how two months can seem like the blink of an eye. The end of the year was a hard one, the holiday season just had a way of feeling heavy and with our lives in a bit of a new season the transition hit me and I spent a lot of time in a fog. I realized that not prioritizing time for the things that bring me joy (like keeping up with this space, even if it's just once a month and even if it's just for my own personal documentation of life and feelings and memories) isn't a good way to walk through tough/busy chapters of my life. I'm planning to get better about prioritizing my days, taking time off when needed and not forgetting to the it all with a grain of salt! So here's a little January (or life lately) catch-up with January Currently link-up with Anne to kick-off 2020... 

{Resolving} To be more positive! I have been in a really weird place lately and it has left me feeling further from the positive, glass-half-full person that I typically am. Transition periods are hard for me and the last year has seemed like one endless transition. Instead of focusing on the positive aspects of this season of life we are end I have found myself obsessing over negative aspects or things I can't change. For my own mental health and the health of my marriage I want to find a way back to the positive person I used to be. 

{Reading} Woven in Moonlight! My friend Isabel is an amazingly talented author! I met her through book club and have now been part of a sweet group of ladies for over 2 years now. It's been an incredible thing to watch as her dream of becoming a published author comes to fruition in just one day. Woven in Moonlight releases tomorrow and it is pure magic! It is currently an Amazon #1 best seller and is on sale for the lowest it's been. If you preorder a copy Isabel also has a wonderful preorder campaign going on. Just send her an email with your preorder receipt to receive beautiful gifts inspired by the story {details here}! 

{Cleaning} up my eating habits! The end of the year yumminess got us good; between Babe and mines birthdays {two days apart}, all the Christmas goodies and trying to close out our Disney annual passes foodie style we have been eating {and drinking} wayyyyy to much junk! Yummy junk, but none-the-less it is is time to get back to better eating! We are doing a soup and salad cleanse for the rest of the month... we shall see how far we get! 

{Creating} my 20 in 2020 list! I've never done one of these {or if I have I've forgotten} but I think my brain needs that this year; working on it this week and hope to share it if I can get it finished! I'm not the best on the follow-thru when it comes to lists. 

{Planning} The Crimson House GRAND OPENING! After a year and a half {plus some} we are finally ready to open the wine bar. If you've been following here you know that we took life on the road for a while and then came back to help my aunt open a wine bar in New Smyrna Beach {she had been working on it for a year prior to us joining}. The process has been anything other that what any of us expected and took a lot longer than we were imagining. It has stretched me way outside of my comfort zone and challenged me more than any other job I have ever taken on. To see if finally opening and to be behind the bar is a a surreal experience. We have two more weeks until the grand opening and I know it will be a whirlwind, but we are excited for what we have lined up and to see how it all comes together! 

Cheers to 2020!
How did 2019 end for you? 
What are you looking forward to in 2020?

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Great Reads of the Month October Link Up

Happy Wednesday!
It's starting to "feel a little cooler" here in Florida (and by cooler I mean low 90s as opposed to high), but I am not letting the heat stop me from pretending its fall which is my favorite time to cozy up with good book. With the stack I made it through this month I feel like I may as well have been holed up in a cabin with its own personal library. I am considering starting a reading round up, because I would love to see what everyone else is reading. Want to link up what you've been reading lately? Join in using the "add link" button at the bottom of this post for any book related blog posts you have and let's read together!

Books To Read One of Us is Lying

Saint Anything

I had forgotten how much I loved Sarah Dessen books when I was in high school. I had read her well into my early 20s as well and at some point fell away from it, completely on accident. When a friend mentioned one of her books the other day I decided to see if there was anything I hadn't read from her available when I went to the library. Saint Anything reminded me of everything I enjoy about Sarah Dessen and her writing. Not only that but Saint Anything is a book that hits very close to home for me...

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Visiting Crescent City California and Battery Point Lighthouse

Happy #TravelTuesday Adventurers!
For the first time in what feels like forever I am sharing more of our time on the road and getting back  my monthly travel link up- so be sure to add any of your own recent adventures at the bottom of the post. Today I'm heading back clear across the US to our time along the California cost... most of the fun is in the video, but here is what we did and where we stayed!

RVing The California Coast

We entered into California and headed straight for Redwood National Park. While we didn't have time to do the full park, we started at the northern tip near Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

October Currently

"Oh my gah, 
We're back again..." 
One month later, one new post, same monthly link up with Anne; I am really doing well at this whole goal of getting out more regular blog posts! Here's to trying again next month, but for now here is what October is looking like currently... 

{Arranging} Schedules and permits and licenses, oh my! We are finally getting closer to being able to open the wine bar. Crimson House is starting to move forward, without the backwards steps we seemed to keep tripping over. It feels so nice to see a year and a half of waiting begin to pay off! 

{Loving} The sweet time that we got to spend with our nieces and nephews this past weekend! 

{Embracing} The fact that right now we aren't really sure what life is going to look like in the coming months. For a while I was having a very hard time with that- to be honest, a lot of days I still do, but I am trying to just let this season play out however God is intending it to. 

{Purchasing} ALLLLL the beautifully illustrated wonders of the Wizarding World! The newest Harry Potter Illustrated edition comes out on the 29th and you best bet that I have had it preordered already. I am beyond excited for it to arrive! Do you own any of the illustrated editions? They bring Harry Potter to life in a whole new way! I love seeing the creativity and imagination put into setting the words to illustrations. 

{Sharing} Favorite books to read in October over on Pinterest! I created the light last year and have added a few that I have read since. I love reading spooky stories to get me in the halloween spirit! What are some of your favorite October reads?! 

Short and sweet, but that's October here currently! 
What is life looking like for you lately?! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

September Currently Amazon Finds of The Month

September Currently  

Hello September! 
I feel like I say the same thing this time every year; maybe it's just the cycle of life, but it seems like I can only keep up with a monthly post these days! And so, now, one month later it's time for another Currently link up with Anne. I have set goals for more regular posting though, because I have trips to catch up on and things to share from our current little beachside town. Now to just see if I can actually follow through! Anyways, here's what things are currently looking like around here... 

{Making} Plans for where we will be parking our little home-on-wheels for the next two months. We weren't planning to leave our coastal campground for another month, but thanks to Hurricane Dorian we made a quick exit Sunday morning and came inland to my parents in Orlando. Once the storm passes, we are thinking we might actually try to find a park near Disney for the rest of the month to get good use out of our annual passes and go to Epcot Food & Wine as often as possible. Not going to lie, I'm not side about that aspect of the quick changes Hurricane Dorian brought us. It also gave us a good excuse to give the camper a good deep clean! 

{Discovering} All the great Amazon finds!! Here are some of my favorite Amazon finds of the month:

Amazon Finds of the Month

The Missing Years- I stayed up until 1am finishing this last night; something I haven't done in a long time! Set in the Scottish Highlands The Missing Years by Lexie Elliott is the perfect read as we head into fall. It's got such a spooky edge to it without being scary and will have you questioning everyone in the book. When Ailsa Calder inherits half a house she moves into it with a half-sister she hardly knows and begins to try to piece together what happened to her father, who disappeared when she was only a child and who owns the other half of the house. However, when strange things begin happening at the house she will start to question if she should be staying at all. If you like family mysteries, Scottish accents and houses that go bump in the night you will want to grab The Missing Years!