
Friday, November 20, 2015

5 Thankful Things!

We are on the road, bound for Crystal River and manatee swimming and I was just thinking how thankful I am for so much in this small moment in the car. So I thought, as we approach Thanksgiving, I would share some of those things with all of you…

5 Things I am Thankful for Right at This Moment
~Being on the Road~ Being on the road with Babe is the perfect breath of fresh air for me. The road, the radio and my favorite guy is a perfect combination! I am thankful for the time to talk if we want to, but I am also thankful that we are really good at just being quite together. Or if I am being honest here, thankful that he is satisfied to be quite and not complain while I sing my heart out to Blue Bandana. He may call me weird, but he loves me in spite because of it (something else I'm thankful for!) The open road and no time commitments are peace for my soul!

~Food!~ Oh gosh, am I ever glad for food! And I am very thankful that Babe knows the true way to my heart is through my stomach. He knows me well. I had literally been sitting in the passenger seat on our way out of town and I was daydreaming about some 4Rivers brisket, but I thought “you know, nope. I am not going to say it. We are going somewhere new, we can try somewhere new. Ok, but really if he just decides to pull off and go, then I will love him forever and give him a kiss.” And then not only 2 minutes later he looks at me and asks, “4Rivers?” Thankful for a man who knows me well! And for beef brisket sandwiches!! He got his kiss!

~Adventure~ I am thankful for the ability to adventure and explore! I am thankful that we are able to get away and find a new place to lay our heads for the weekend! And I am super thankful for manatees and the chance to swim with them!

~Scenery~ This world is a beautiful place! I am thankful that God is creative and that He gave us so much beauty all around us.  And I am thankful that it is all free to take in. A sunset costs nothing except the time spent enjoying it, which in and of itself isn’t even a cost at all but really an added blessing!

~Flo~ I am thankful for FloRida and that she is finally back on the road! When we got her we said we would try to go somewhere new once a month, even if it was just to the local county park. Just to give us time away together. Time to unplug and pour into the quiet and the slow. Well, she missed that goal last month, so I am extra thankful for this trip! It’s her 3rd big expedition and she is just as thankful as I am!

Well, we are almost there, so I’m off to explore and befriend a sea cow! 
Have a thanks filled weekend!!
What are 5 things you are thankful for right at this moment? 

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