
Friday, January 25, 2019

Friday Favorites: Disney, Friends, and Jack Daniels

Happy Friday Friends! 
Hope this finds you having a great day and excited of the weekend! I just got back from a week away, so this week has been a little hectic with catch up, but it's also been a few weeks of wonderful faves! Here are 5 things I have been loving lately...

{ONE} Jack Daniel's Distillery Tour
We took a little detour on the way to North Carolina and made a stop in Lynchburg, TN to pay homage to the legendary Jack Daniel's with a distillery tour. It was a bit of a pricey detour ($50 for the two of us), but we had been wanting to visit ever since we tried out Maker's Mark in Kentucky. While we did favor the Maker's Mark tour over Jack Daniel's Distillery it was still a lot of fun and worth a visit once! The history of the tour was really neat and ended with a tasting. Join us for a peek inside!!

{TWO} Time with Sweet Friends 
I had been trying to get away to visit friends, planning to make a road trip out of it. I kept having to put it off and then it finally worked out in the best way possible. I was able to head to Birmingham to visit with one of my lifelong friends and her sweet babies, then loop through Huntsville to pick up Babe who was there for a work trip, before we headed to western NC for a couples weekend of winery touring with my bestie and her boy. 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

5 Reasons to Visit Idaho

I am kicking off the year by sharing one of my favorite spots of 2018! After spending 7 months on the road, and traipsing through over 20 different states, you might be surprised to find that my favorite one was Idaho... yes, Idaho! I was just as shocked! We planned to drive through, spending one night in Idaho on the way out west and again on the way back east. Plans changed quickly and here's why... Though there are more, here are 5 reasons to visit Idaho.

5 Reasons to Visit Idaho

5 Reasons to Visit Idaho

Thursday, January 3, 2019

January Currently || HELLO 2019

Goodbye 2018, 
Hello 2019! 

We're only 3 days into the new year, but I'm linking up with Anne to share what January is looking like around here currently! 

Source: Find this cute print on Etsy
{Choosing} To be more positive! To be honest, the transition back to being settled in Florida hasn't been the easiest. We were ready to come back- to be closer to family, excited to start a new adventure- but didn't truly take the time we needed to decompress after being gone for so long. I don't handle transition well and we really didn't leave ourselves much of a buffer to ease back in to things. We just kind of jumped head first and it left me feeling moody and unfocused, which in turn made me a little cynical- which is typically not like me at all! I was all kinds of Eeyore gloom and felt a little like a failure; but we are starting to get into the swing of things, or maybe I just finally got myself into the right mindset, but either way I am trying to find my way back to my more optimistic self. So here's to positivity, even with the hard moments that may come, in 2019!! 

{Tidying} Everything! I am not the most tidy of people, but I really want to get reorganized so I am trying to work through the Simplified declutter your life challenge. I saw it on my friend Jenna's Instagram stories and have been trying to keep up with her when she shares the daily declutter prompt. Day 1 was take a trash bag around your house and throw away any trash. Day two was tidy your fridge. So far I still have to do both of those things, so we see how well I am already doing at rocking 2019!! 

{Resolving} Again, to be more organized!! I suck at using a planner, but with so much up in the air and all over the place the last year I have been trying to be better about using one. When I can actually remember to use it it truly does help me keep me mind less scattered. I used the Posh planner last year (about every other week) and while I loved it, I am looking for something that will be even better at keeping things sectioned this year. Anyone know of any good planners to try? I need monthly tabs and a lot of space for each day of the week! 

{Exploring} All the hidden corners in New Smyrna Beach! We are trying to branch out of our usual go-to spots and it has led us to some great places. Babe also gifted us Disney passes this year and I am beyond excited to explore even more of the most magical place on Earth! So much has been added since we were last there and I can't wait to get started. 

{Refreshing} My Goodreads list! Up until now I have only been using Goodreads to keep track of the books I want to read, but I want to actually set a reading goal and meet it. I met last year's gold ten fold, with all the reading I did on the road, but I never went back and recorded the books I read. As it sits now Goodreads thinks I am an epic failure. I plan to be more on top of it this year, until then I will just keep building my "want to read" list!! Help me out; what are some of your favorite reads? My most favorite recent reads were The Great Alone and Where the Crawdads Sing; if you haven't read them yet, do yourself a favor! 

And that's it for me so far this year! 
What does life look like for you currently?